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Advantage Dental Story
Thermoplastics – a generic ad in an industry journal changed everything for Dr. Joseph Pelerin, DDS, a practicing dentist since 1974.
We’ve all read stories about inventors whose homes become mini-laboratories, thus was the case at the Pelerin household. Late nights, after the kids were in bed, playing with thermo-plastics to understand all their properties and the ways it could help the patients Dr. Pelerin was seeing.
A bonded plastic that by simply using hot water to soften, could be shaped/molded and harden to a more rigid plastic. A perfect solution for tackling some challenging problems in dentistry; starting with the time-consuming and expensive process of capturing impressions for crown and bridge. ThermTray1 was the first product launched by Advantage Dental in 1989.
A trade show conversation with a customer / colleague led to the development of the first “spin-off” product, Matrix Buttons, for quickly creating an accurate and inexpensive matrix / impression for a temporary crown, as a bite registration, temporary bruxism device, and more.
His next endeavor was to tackle the need for an effective desensitizer that cannot injure or burn the soft tissues. Published research by Dr. Franklin Tay addressed Chlorhexidine with HEMA as an effective alternative to Glutaraldehyde and led Dr. Joe to formulate Hemaseal & Cide. Patented and launched in 2000, Hemaseal & Cide was virtually an overnight success, mostly because of comparative testing published by CRA Newsletter.
All of Advantage Dental’s products have been evaluated and rated by at least one of the trusted “referee” organizations: CRA, REALITY, The Dental Advisor and Catapult.
Dental practices are welcome to call to learn about seasonal promotional offers available, and/or get referral to a stocking distributor.