Matrix Buttons

Matrix Buttons (72 pcs.) Item #100
Thermoplastic Matrix Buttons allow a fast and accurate matrix for provisional C&B, bite registration, anti-bruxism appliance, and MORE. NO more expensive impression materials or trays! In and out of the mouth in 30 seconds. Works with MatrixTemp or any other acrylic. No gag, odor or taste issues like gooey impression materials.
What a time saver. A superior rigid matrix in less time than an impression. Will not distort. The dental button simplifies making lab quality temps at the chair. What a great product. We wouldn’t be without Matrix Buttons.
These are so easy to use, with ample working time, and I am able to achieve good margins and occlusion with the provisionals made using this thermoplastic matrix system. I would recommend Matrix Buttons to my colleagues.
“I’ve been using Matrix Buttons for over 10 years, because they are rigid, I get good margins: quick and easy-to-use. I have plenty of working time, using my everyday water bath. I use these in many of the courses I teach.
These work well, and while I’m not sure I save a lot of time, compared the standard PVS technique, I know I save on overall cost. I have sufficient working time, and get a detailed matrix for the provisional. I recommend Matrix Buttons.
Matrix Buttons is a very innovative, accurate and simplistic product/technique that saves me more than 40% in time, with a simple learning curve.; a paradigm shift from traditional pre-op matrix impressions.
These buttons are just plain easy. I use Matrix Buttons for single crowns and longer spans, with Luxatemp, Protemp and the MatrixTemp; also from ADP. My assistant just uses a hot cup of microwaved water and we get plenty of working time. With cold water for air spray, they turn opaque and rigid in seconds and they take up very little space, so I can easily save them, if needed.
A simple and very economical technique. We heat a cup of water with our “quick-hot” tap, and once we got the heating time right, we had plenty of working time, and got a good result with the temp materials I was already using. May not save me time, but they sure save money on materials. I can recommend these Matrix Buttons for single crowns and longer spans.
I use these Matrix Buttons discs to make temporary night guards, and they work well for this.
The thermoplastic Matrix Button is a material that can be used easily for single or, by combining multiple buttons, multiple crown and bridge provisionals. This is a low-cost, easy-to-use material that I can simply heat in a hot water bath or a ceramic coffee mug in the microwave while I’m waiting on anesthesia.